Leather Fingers

    glove7.jpg picture by stylebook18glove1.jpg picture by stylebook18glove5.jpg picture by stylebook18
    When I picked up these gloves at Zara, I kind of mulled over the idea of pairing them with some sort of strapless dress but then I figured I might look like Cinderella or something so instead I decided a delicate, wooly cardigan would accompany the princess gloves more appropriately.

    So my best friend gave me this book called Essential Foreign Chat-up Lines and I've been trying to learn the ones in French but I sound like a complete idiot.

    Here's one:

    Tu es tellement chaude que tu fais fondre l'elastique de mon calecon.

    Which means... 

    You're so hot you melt the elastic in my underwear

    Wearing H&M pale pink cardigan, AA Uneck dress, and Zara leather gloves